Every Journey Begins with the First Step.
3805 Atrisco Dr NW Suite B
Albuquerque, NM 87120
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Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday: 7:30 am - 1:30 pm
We remain committed to the health and well-being of our clients, families and Team members
Now accepting referrals for clients who have suffered a CVA (stroke) or TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)

Bilingual Interventions is a therapy based clinic providing rehabilitation services in Spanish and/or English to children and adults in the greater Albuquerque area and throughout New Mexico.
We specialize in Speech, Physical and Occupational therapies in both English and Spanish. (Hablamos Español!) Our mission is to offer the most current, innovative and individualized therapy approaches, to meet the needs of our clients and their families. We are committed to serve as a professional community resource to those associated with our clients. We work diligently with our clients to achieve the highest quality of life possible, and their success and achievements are not only the root of our foundation, but our most valuable asset. Our team is here to help you Reach Your Potential, not limit you to an expectation given by a diagnosis.
Our Services
Mission: Our mission is to offer the most current, innovative and individualized therapy approaches to meet the needs of our clients and families. We are committed to serve as a resource to the community of professionals associated with our clients for the best outcomes possible.
Accent Modification
Cognition / Neurological
Feeding & Swallowing
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Telehealth / Teletherapy
Developmental Differences
Social / Functional Communication

Our Foundation
In 2001, Monica Gurulé, M.S., CCC-SLP had a vision of providing the much needed Spanish/Bilingual therapy services. She provided services for over eight years before changing the business name and founding Bilingual Interventions in 2009. Bilingual Interventions was opened as a single provider in the areas of Speech, Language and Cognition in English and Spanish. Through the years, we have grown to a dedicated team of diverse cultural backgrounds that include Speech-Language Pathologists, Physical and Occupational Therapists and Administrative Staff. Bilingual Interventions added specialized services to include pediatric and adult populations in the areas of Dysphagia, Feeding Difficulties, Voice, Accent Modification and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), as well as sub-contracting our services for pre-school screenings, on-line schools and transition programs for the geriatric populations. Our clients’ success, our relationships with physicians, clinics, hospitals and other professional and licensed providers is what has driven our remarkable reputation and growth. It is important to us as providers and as a Team, that we maintain an environment that is family oriented, caring and professional.

Our Approach
Bilingual Intervention’s approach to therapy is uniquely based on the individual needs of our clients and the results of their evaluations. We offer one-on-one and group therapy sessions to support the needs of both home-based programs as well as educational and societal integration. Our sessions range in duration and can be modified or adapted as required by the needs of our client’s. We offer flexible hours, six days a week including times before and after school to help with consistency.
Telehealth / Teletherapy
Our Teletherapy platform was originally established in an effort to combat the COVID-19 Pandemic and allow our clinical staff to provide medically necessary services to our clients and families during those challenging times. However, it has proven to be an excellent tool for both our staff and clients, and it is here to stay.
Our Teletherapy/Telepractice platform is a secure, real-time and interactive video therapy session that can be used safely and conveniently from your own home. A client and their family can log on with their clinician by computer, phone or tablet, and in just a few clicks and you are in your session, just as if you were in the clinic.

When Consistency Meets Dedication Success Happens
We strive to provide consistent schedules and provide well-prepared therapy sessions. Should an unexpected event arise, we can often reschedule and/or switch to Teletherapy to better accommodate our clients and ensure their plans of care are being fulfilled. Consultations are conducted at the end of each session to discuss successes and challenges identified within the process, as well as activities and tools to use in the home and community. Joint effort and hard work support successful transitions from the clinical environment to the home and community.

Occuptional Therapy